Solved! Klipsch subwoofer replacement

Sep 8, 2018
I’m looking for a replacement subwoofer for my klipsch model
SW-12 ll it’s a 150 watt 8ohm subwoofer ! Can I put a 4 ohm in as its replacement ?? It’s rated at 200 watts ? Just don’t want to cause amplifier damage !!
Using a 4 ohm woofer could damage the amplifier.
Best option is to get the same woofer from Klipsch or get the original one rebuilt. can do that. That's the only way to know that the woofer and cabinet are designed to work together.
Well what I did was replaced the sub with a 4 ohm DVC Rockford Fosgate HX2 subwoofer also because of the excursion of the subwoofer I had to replace the radiator as well I did it with an old good but used subwoofer that worked but wasn’t blown and wow let’s just say I can rattle The structure of my building without any problems clear as a bell loud as hell and I’ve got a couple complaints already !!!! But I’m still waiting for Kliisch to respond to my question and yes I did wire in parallel So the conjoined ohms of the DVC equals 8 ohms !! Thanks for your help !! Now I just wait too hear from klipsch !!