I asked this question once already, but don't seem to find it, so I'll just have to repost, this time with less details.
I want to change a CPU on my Acer 5733Z (CPU is Pentium 6100 and Chipset is Intel Mobile HM55). Service manual indicates several options for a change, which are:
Pentium P6100, P6200, P6300
Core i3-370M and i3-380M.
I know that there are other processors (i5-460M for example) with same microarchitecture and all, so why can't I install that one instead of i3-370? Is there a chipset limitation or something?
Also, what are the risks? I'm not a beginner, I have experience with hardware (although it was years ago).
Any help is appreciated!
I asked this question once already, but don't seem to find it, so I'll just have to repost, this time with less details.
I want to change a CPU on my Acer 5733Z (CPU is Pentium 6100 and Chipset is Intel Mobile HM55). Service manual indicates several options for a change, which are:
Pentium P6100, P6200, P6300
Core i3-370M and i3-380M.
I know that there are other processors (i5-460M for example) with same microarchitecture and all, so why can't I install that one instead of i3-370? Is there a chipset limitation or something?
Also, what are the risks? I'm not a beginner, I have experience with hardware (although it was years ago).
Any help is appreciated!