Laptop failing to boot after defrag


Aug 2, 2013
Hello everyone, i'm having a big problem. Yesterday I put my ASUS K56CM laptop running Windows 7 to defrag my C disk over the night. In the middle of the night, I woke up and my laptop was making weird ticking noise, at about 2-3 second intervals. I also noticed that my HDD stops spinning for about 0.3 seconds and spins up again. I tried to put my laptop to sleep, the screen blanked, and blue screen occured. I shut it down completely and left it for the morning. In the morning, I pressed the power button, the big ASUS logo popped up (as always), and screen said failed to boot. I tried changing the priority but it didn't work. Later, I opened my computer's back, unscrewed the hdd, and put it back again. This time it booted up into windows, but froze after the desktop loaded and was making that ticking noise. I shut it down and put away, now asking for help, because I don't know what to do next. My computer specs: Intel Core i7 3537U 2-core, 12 GB RAM DDR3, Nvidia GeForce GT 635M, 500GB WD Blue HDD. I bought it 4 Months ago. Sorry for bad english, I'm from Lithuania. Please help, I'm desperate!

It sounds like your hard drive is failing. I would put it all back together and raise a support ticket with Asus. I know its a pain but I would say the best route would be sending it back to Asus as its only 4 months old.

Another route you could take would be buying a new hard drive and installing windows on their yourself, yet this does mean spending money on getting a new hard drive and installing windows. This way would be more expensive yet quicker in the long term.

Yet, going back to my original point. I feel the hard drive is about to pop its clogs so I would get onto Asus. They should fix it for you free of charge, as long as they don't see any damage to the laptop that might have caused this i.e. it being dropped.


It sounds like your hard drive is failing. I would put it all back together and raise a support ticket with Asus. I know its a pain but I would say the best route would be sending it back to Asus as its only 4 months old.

Another route you could take would be buying a new hard drive and installing windows on their yourself, yet this does mean spending money on getting a new hard drive and installing windows. This way would be more expensive yet quicker in the long term.

Yet, going back to my original point. I feel the hard drive is about to pop its clogs so I would get onto Asus. They should fix it for you free of charge, as long as they don't see any damage to the laptop that might have caused this i.e. it being dropped.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the answer, but what could be the couse? I didn't drop it or anything, it's suddenly, not working. Also, it's been cooling on a stand, could it be the couse?
It sounds like you take care of the laptop so I believe its nothing that you have done. As hard drives have moving parts, much like anything it could just be a fault with that particular hard drive.
It may have just been when you where de-fragmenting the hard drive it just gave in, as de-fragmentation will go through all the allocated blocks on the hard drive.
I think you were just unlucky my friend.

So ok, I fixed this problem by myself. All I had to do is poke the HDD after it clicks. I did it several times, and unbelievably, it worked! Succesfully loaded windows, no clicking noise during boot. Thanks for your answers!
Ah superb, glad to hear that it is now working :)