Laptop for CAD/Gaming

nice find. it looks good but i would like the processor to, at the very lease, be 2Ghz. this laptops has to last me for 4 years with maybe minor upgrades if any as im now entering university.
Yeah, I agree the Gateway is a great value, and whether its for gaming or CAD work in general one single powerful GPU is better and more hassle free than 2 weaker ones in SLI. Personally I'd go for the model the next step up with faster CPU and better screen (just slightly above OP's budget is the only drawback);

I really like that laptop and wish they had it when I was buying last fall.

I had a good experience with Gateway last time (although they're no longer the same company), and that's a nice well priced laptop.

Although another thing to consider is if you can wait a few more weeks more Montevina info should finally be coming out and there may be new options available, and for a long term laptop that's the platform you want for upgradability options.
Hello and welcome to the forums mate :)

Yeah that GATEWAY is a solid choice but if you do medium gaming i say go for XPS M1530/SAGER NP2092 they have 8600MGT which is weaker than 8800MGTS but can play games @ medium settings and the SAGER and XPS one have better CPU which will be better for CAD

But if u want to play games @ high settings then go for the FX one, a 2.0GHZ is good too :)
The Gateway® P-172X FX Edition (Non-RAID) lookes realy good. i like it. exactly the specs i want. man i wish i had d money. 🙁 wthout the warranty, office an norton its $2000. goin an search if someone selling it 4 less.
Take a look at a Sager 9262. Im sure most the CAD programs you are using will support a quad core and the Sager is one of the few that uses a true desktop quad core in it. Other benefit is the ability to run SLI for gaming if your feel the need. This machine shoudl last 4 years Im thinking. Only downside is the price tag. Other option is a Sager 5793. Not quite as fast but alot more portable. Google xotic pc to go take a look and see what your looking for.

His price range is maxed at 1800. That laptop would come close to doubling it. Nevertheless it is a nice laptop.

Doh, Missed the $1800 part.
Maybe because of the $1800 part?

Yes, you can get an M15X for that much, but the good CPU and graphics configs start at more like $2500.

How much better is an alien ware $2500 laptop compared to a $1800? Is alien ware that much a good brand? Anyone have opinions on this?
I don't like Alienware. They had a rather poor attitude when I talked to them while searching for my laptop. The people at Sager were much more willing to talk to me about what they were selling. Alienware seems to like to charge you an arm and a leg for seemingly basic upgrades. Just my opinion though.
Yea I hear you on there attitude.. I called to find out about a certain backpack and he was not to nice. Have any good ideas for a good gaming laptop through sager?

Alienware is a reasonably good brand. As for the config though, the base config ($1500) of an M15X includes a 256MB 8600M and a T8100 at 2.1GHz (3MB cache). For gaming, I would add the 8800M GTX (+$500), and bump the CPU up to the lowest model with a 6MB cache, the T9300 (2.5GHz, +$250). Now, the cost is $2250. More RAM is also a good idea, though I'd go to Newegg and get 4 gigs for less than Alienware is asking for 2. Depending on your hard drive and other options though, total price should be in the $2500 range for a setup with that CPU and graphics, and it will blow away any 8600 or 8700 powered laptop in the graphics department.

The gateway is a better deal in the lower price range though - it has the 8800M GTS instead of the GTS, and a slower CPU, but it will still be quite a bit faster than the base model Alienware. If you have $2500 to spend, the M15X is a great way to go, but for less, I would go somewhere else.
I really like the ALIENWARE M15x,but there are tons of issues with it,also its really overpriced compared to Sager

also have u seen the M17x? it has the same configs as the XPS M1730, _with the exception that the X9000 in M17x can't be OC'd_ but its alot more expensive than the Dell
Yes, the M17x is overpriced.

As far as the issues, what do you mean? I have a friend with one (M15x), and it has been absolutely flawless.