Laptop for Elgato


Jan 21, 2015

im using a Dell Inspiron 3542(i7 4510U,GeForce 840m,8gb ram) to stream live from my pc.
but when im using the HD mode on elgato the processor usage going up to 90-97% and i have a delay of 4-6s.
I dont want to play any games from this pc,only want Elgato to work 100% on HD.

Can you please suggest a laptop for 1200-1600$?
i have already checked these 2,Dell Alienware 17 (i7-4710MQ/8GB/500GB/GTX 860M) and Lenovo Y50-70 but i hope u guys could help me decide

Thank you very much :)
Hello again,
i'd also like to ask if i will be ok with the NVIDIA GTX 860M or i should go for 880M.
What is the problem with the Dell 3542 i use now for elgato,the Graphics Card or the Processor.
Thank you :)

Depends on you buddy. GTX 8 Series is good video for laptop (watch the price 😉 ) thats all