So, my laptop's a bit old. Maybe 6-7 years old. This
if that means anything. Anyways, the left hinge has been loose for a while now and it finally outright snapped, disconnecting the screen from the laptop itself.
Because I'm rather attached by this point, I looked up the manual and disassembled it.
I found the problem, a little piece that snapped off.
More specifically, this
is no longer connected to this.
I have no idea why. It could have been glued on, something with magnets, or maybe it was held together with magic. All I know is the opposite part
is still perfectly attached and seems pretty firm.
I'd be happy to know the part names because I'm at a complete loss here. Any help would be appreciated.
Because I'm rather attached by this point, I looked up the manual and disassembled it.
I found the problem, a little piece that snapped off.
I'd be happy to know the part names because I'm at a complete loss here. Any help would be appreciated.