Laptop make a loud beeping sound whenever i turn it off and mouse+Keyboard problem


Mar 2, 2016
So recently i downloaded this vpn (ExpressVPN free version ) and i think it might've ruined my laptop
first problem is my touchpad moves for a second and stops for good till i press something on the keyboard and it stops again
keyboard keys( Laptop) response really slow
tho when i plug a mouse + a keyboard they works fine
now whenever i turn the laptop off or restart it it makes this loud beeping sound till i press the power off key
I did try doing a scan using 360 total security but didn't find any virus
I did a system recovery it worked for few minutes but it went back again
here's my laptop Info just in case
Laptop name : Lenovo z50-70
windows 7 ultimate 64-bit SP1
Core I7 4510U 2.00GHz
Ram 8gb
GPU : Geforce 840M
Motherboard : Lenovo lancer 5A5 (U3E1)
Update: after i Changed my anti-virus to Avast it got fixed for a day and now it's worse
The keyboard keep pressing(Delete and / ) keys by itself