Laptop Nvidia 820M GPU malfunction.Please Help(Updated with new screenshots and replaced the old ones)


Dec 22, 2016
Hi ,

I am having a complicated problem with my Laptop Nvidia 820M GPU .Whenever I update my Nvidia 820M there is a problem with the display when i am playing games and when open up my Nvidia control Panel there is something wrong with the 3D image which is floating. I will send the screen image to you guys to get a better view of my problem. My laptop was working perfectly before but my hard drive got damaged and i had to get a new HDD from a shop and the shop vendor installed some necessary softwares on my laptop and i found out that he installed Nvidia GF117 346.90 driver. With this driver my my laptop is not using the gpu when i play any games and it same thing like without it. And the 3D image on Nvidia control panel is also fine with this driver.But whenever i update my driver the screen problem is there.

Here my images( please paste the urls and search in google images) This images is when i updated driver (Nvidia 376.33):

But with the GF117 (Nvidia 346.90) the image is fine but my laptop doesn't use the GPU:

Note: I have mostly tried all the updated Nvidia driver but only the GF117 346.90 makes the 3D floating image is fine in the Nvidia image setting but doesn't use the GPU on games.

My laptop: Dell Inspiron 3442,4GB RAM,500GB HDD,2 GB Nvidia 820M Graphics,Window 8.1 64.

I haven't had this problem before and i used play games with my Nvidia GPU smoothly.I can send also send you the images by email also.I will really appreciate if anyone can help me.

dl the newest driver from the nv site, and ddu uninstaller (guru3d).
open ddu (normal not safe mode) and check all boxes in the settings for nv, and set it to remove all monitors, no need for restore point.
uninstall all nv software, reboot after every uninstall.
start ddu and let it boot win into safe mode. run it and click on clean+reboot.

now install nv drivers in custom mode, only selecting driver/(gfe)/hd audio, no need for physx or the 3d stuff.
i havent worked support/tech stuff for a few years, and cant think of anything else.
might wanna check with a local shop/microcenter (walkin and ask about the issue).