Laptop overheating processor or heatsink?


Sep 29, 2008
compaq presario 2199us athlon xp 2800mobile 512ddr ram.well i have posted earlier but was wrong in my the processor looks like it is in great shape but could it be about burnt out is what is causing the extreme heating or could it possibly be something wrong with this copper piping type heatsink?ALSO WOULD BUYING A LESSER SPEED PROCESSOR HELP I JUST WANT IT TO WORK I DONT CARE IF IT IS 1.5 OR 2.2GHZ AND HATE TO BUY A PROCESSOR AND HEATSINK AND STILL HAVE THE PROBLEM it is definately processor overheating then gives blue screen around 175 degrees.downloaded software to check temp and it stays around 140 just idling.and if try to do anything it jumps up to shutdown temp and gives bluescreen instead of shutting down.the bios has no help at all no clock settings no speedstepping no shutdown settings.any attempt of software underclocking has not worked it is 2.2ghz and that is it.ive cleaned and reset and removed pad and everything possible to the processor and heatsink to no avail the same everytime.any help would be great hate to put more money into this thing and not fix it could sell for parts and get just as much out of it but rather fix it.thank you(((UPDATE:::i took the mobile xp2800 and put in desktop runs great stands at about 135 degrees of course desktop has bigger heatsink and fan and better video but still shared im at a loss the processor works great and did work good in the laptop but the fan always did run almost always but played games for least 6 months before the blue screens started im sure it was overheating the whole time just got worse can the heatsinks actually go bad in a laptop fans work just fine speed up and down like they supposed too?


There's a few inconsistencies, here.

First, kindly take all your measurements in Celsius. It's the scientific standard, and that carries over to computing.

I'm not sure how your CPU still exists, having been run at 80C. However, I believe your problem is contact. Assuming your heatsinks and fans are running correctly, the CPU may not be making enough contact to the heatsink to transfer it's heat correctly. Are you using thermal interface material?

I don't know how you put an XP mobile processor into a desktop. To my memory, the mobile versions were shorter than their desktop brethren, and the CPU die will not have contacted the CPU heatsink in the desktop. (again, you can check this by seeing the kind of spread you get with your TIM)

Also, it should be noted that 60C (135F) is extremely bad for a desktop CPU temperature, especially considering this older single core CPU.


Sep 29, 2008
first yes i know everything comes in celcius i changed my speedfan software to farenheit because i am a hillbilly and since everyone else is scientist they keep a converter bookmark or shortcut around lol.and yes works fine in desktop but still runs little hot and no TIM and looks the exact same size as eyeballing it it is a socket 462/A only difference i seen was the l2 cache was 512 whereas my actual desktop processor was 256 and as stated in first post fans working great clean and hits highspeed when it gets to above 60c and clean and also putting my finger on top of the heatsink it is definately transfering heat it blows out some very hot air also.yes i know not using TIM you are saying i wont get even heat desipation over the entire die and that is the problem however note it was doing this before it was ever all aside is it possible i have warped the heatsink with it running so hot for so long and with the processor running to hot in the desktop and the laptop could their be something wrong with the processor a little cooler in desktop as to be expected with better heatsink still 57c to 62c in desktop im used to running 49celcius tops in most my comps anything over 52 to 55C i feel something is wrong but we all know the amds at least older models all got way to hot.oh and from what ive read they can take 90 celcius of course that is just dumb thinking one will run at that but it was rated to take that much.well thanks for the help.looks like if i want it fixed i am in for a new heatsink and processor and new TIM which i have arctic silver but cant get it to spread for one point i had it sitting at under 42C but soon as i would play anything game video screensaver it would jump up to shutdown temp.


Feb 4, 2009

My intel pentium dual core, 2.0ghz runs at 70C when i underclock to 1.0ghz. at 1.3, it is 85C at 1.6 it is 92C and at 2.0, it overheats (100 is its overheat point)
You said that 80C is enough to kill a cpu... I have cleaned the fan thouroghly and it still overheats. The heatsink has never been removed from the cpu so the thermal paste should still be there... the fan runs, loud, not bad sounding, just fast sounding, so what would you suggest for this, i paid for a 2.0ghz because i want that, i dont like underclocking it.
gateway m-7317u


Feb 4, 2009
BTW: My old AMD was even worse than the one in my previous reply, it would hold at 94-95 all the time, it was a single core 1.8ghz. I couldnt manually underclock, but when it hit 90 it would slow to 900mhz on its own. If i had in high performance, it wouldnt slow and would overheat. I ended up having 3 desktop fans (12v) running at 18V in parallel to keep it under 100 even on powersaver towards the end.
Also, both it, and my new computer i only use on a flat surface desk, I hook up to an external monitor, usb hub, ethernet, etc. and basically dock it without a docking station...
Everyone always says use it on a desk, but that doesnt even work...


Sep 29, 2008
well for mine i replaced the heatsink altogether and bought some good thermal past sounds like it could need the heatsink took off and new paste put on that is way to hot