Laptop Power Switch Light is on and computer doesn't start


May 3, 2015
The laptop power switch has 2 lights one of which is on every time I plug the ac adapter in and the switches don't work at all and don't turn the laptop on. I checked the power adapter and it's good, removed CMOS battery multiple times and it still hasn't started up. Please help fix this!

Robert Kelly

Jun 27, 2015


Robert Kelly

Jun 27, 2015
hello im having the same problem i believe was hoping you found a sulution ? i have a HP pavillon dv7 and i press my power button and all lights light up and then makes a click sound then shuts right back down with in 2 seconds when i was doing this i also tried with out battery and it dont fire up at all no lights nothing but battery in then it does and when power cord is plugged in battery in it shows to be charging , charging light flashes . So i was moving power cord in a different position and found at certain areas it does nothing and certain areas its faster time to shut down and other areas it will try and boot at a longer time period im assuming its with the power supply hook up to mother board or board that powers laptop. i was informed of hp having issues of this problem in the past and that hp sometimes would replace the part for free if you sqeek long enough and loud enough. is this the same problem you got ?