I have a lenovo laptop which has come with a 4gb RAM. I want to attach another 8gb RAM (making the whole system a 12gb RAM). I am checking my RAM configuration by an application CPU-Z. It is showing,
Type - DDR3
DRAM Freq - 798.1MHz.
Can I add 1600MHz RAM to my existing 800MHz RAM, or would it cause mismatch? Can I add Kingston 8gb PC3L 1600MHz Laptop RAM (https
/www.amazon.in/Kingston-PC3L-1600MHz-Laptop-KVR16LS118/dp/B00CQ35HBQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518679616&sr=8-1&keywords=laptop+ddr3+8gb+ram&refinements=p_89%3ATranscend%7CKingston) to my laptop?
I have a lenovo laptop which has come with a 4gb RAM. I want to attach another 8gb RAM (making the whole system a 12gb RAM). I am checking my RAM configuration by an application CPU-Z. It is showing,
Type - DDR3
DRAM Freq - 798.1MHz.
Can I add 1600MHz RAM to my existing 800MHz RAM, or would it cause mismatch? Can I add Kingston 8gb PC3L 1600MHz Laptop RAM (https