Laptop Screen Cracked, Unsure about Replacement


Jun 26, 2011
Laptop screen is badly cracked, needs replacement.
Original laptop is a Compaq Presario CQ61 with a 1 CCFl screen (n156b3-l02 rev.c2). This is with a 30 pin connection and the pink/white backlight cable.
I already have an LED Screen from a dead laptop (LP156WH4 (TL) (N2)). This is with a 40 pin connection and no other external cables.

As it stands right now I have the cable going from inside the laptop proper, splitting in 2, one fork going into the left side of the inverter and the other turning into a flat cable and going into the screen as a 30pin connection. There is also the pink/white backlight cable going into the right side of the inverter.

I'm wondering there is any way to use the LED screen using a 30pin to 40pin converter or possibly to purchase a 40 pin cable outright and ignoring the inverter competely or something along those lines. I simply haven't been able to figure out to what level the laptop is built around using that specific screen.

Thanks in advance.



Mari Kassapian

Sep 15, 2013

I have had the same problem.
I purchased a converter cable, but I still have problem.
My screen works, but there is no brightness.
Is there anyone who knows what I can do?



If the battery was ever attached to the laptop when you did any of the work, you could have easily fried the circuit on the motherboard that supplies power to the inverter/backlight. You may want to price the cost of motherboard repair for your model (ebay), or an exact MoBo replacement and compare them with the cost at a local computer repair shop. Don't waste your time taking it to BestBuy, they'll just over charge you and tell you that you need a new laptop (which might be true - however, a local shop should be able to do some actual trouble shooting)