Laptop Screen won't Turn On After Display Change


Oct 17, 2014
Being someone as clumsy as I, I accidentally dropped my laptop, a Gigabyte P34G V2, a week ago, cracking the screen partially. No biggie, I'll just order a replacement.

I do that, and I reassemble the entire laptop, but whenever I turn the laptop on, the new screen itself won't even display anything. So I plug in the old screen, which partially worked. Still nothing. I plugged it into an external screen, and the laptop showed up there, and Windows even picked up a "second screen", that I couldn't switch to.

Windows, and Intel's drivers, had picked up the main screen.


I've read online a bit about "reed switches" that turn the screen off whenever two magnets approach each other, I found the one on my laptop

So uh... I'm dumbfounded.
I ordered it from, it was a Samsung model, but looks the same and has the same connectors, also, don't know if I mentioned this, but my old, partially working monitor, is now entirely black. I believe it's due to the cable maybe getting damaged? It doesn't look very damaged, just a bit twisted, but would that explain the lack of power to the LCD?
Hi, so the new screen and the old one don't give you anything on the laptop's screen. The number on the old screen is the same as the new screen, hopefully. In all laptops, you don't have a reed switch, you have a similar device, a magnet and a Hall-Effect sensor. But I don't think the problem is this component, if the magnet is still at his place in the screen assembly. Do you see a faint picture on the laptop's screen?
The laptop is currently entirely taken apart, but the key parts to have it running are together. The screen is laying off to the side, and plugged in with the 30 pin eDP cable. I've actually found the trigger switch for the sleep/screen off switch, and was able to trigger it to prove that wasn't the issue. Both screens show up in Windows as 1080p screens, but no light appears on them, even faint.

However, after close investigation, some of the pins on my 30 pin cable connecting the laptop and the screen were bent. Either 1-5, or 25-30. And if they happen to be 25-30, according to the LP140WF1's datasheet, those would be the LED Backlight power connectors. Would that happen to be the issue if they screen is getting picked up?
Actually, my laptop is a Gigabyte, the screen is a Samsung, and the cable is for a Dell. So it's even worse than you think.
But I've compared my cable and the Dell cable, and they appear to be the same, as in connector on both ends.
I have no way in hell for finding the P34G's cable because of how hard it's parts are to find, so... that's the best I could find. Although it probably isn't a 30 pin eDP cable and I'm an idiot.

Also, I was able to shine a light in the screen and figure out the issue was the bent backlight cables, as information did come up.

Ah, gotcha. Just because they use the same screens/connector on the display end, it is entirely possible for the connector on the motherboard end to be different. Sorry I didn't catch on to that aspect sooner. 🙁

To add to that, just got the cable, and it does seem as if the motherboard end on the cable I got is slightly not wide enough to fit, it fit the screen though.
Just how hard is it to find a connector for this thing?

Edit: This is the motherboard end, it's width terminates at the end of it's gold plated connectors, unlike the one I just tried, and the one you suggested 1shado1.
