Question Laptop Slow after system restore

Oct 19, 2020
I have an HP Pavillion Laptop (with a ryzen 5 3550H (i think) 16gb ram and a gtx 1050)

It ran games perfectly fine (mainly play destiny 2) but ran it with the cpu at max load (its a laptop so i figured its fine) But decided the occasional overheat and forced reboot was annoying so i hoped to update my drivers (which i got from the offical hp website off of my serial number) in hopes an updated driver would alleviate the bottleneck my cpu was getting (im tech illiterate as far as the specifics and software side of things but hardwarewise im about average)

Did it, laptop ran like a 16 year old desktop, did a full system restore and file wipe twice and nothing has changed.

Now booting destiny 2 off my internal ssd takes about 10 minutes from launch on steam to playing and it barely hits 25 fps (used to go anywhere from 60fps-150 fps depending on the area and menu) and my cpu doesnt even break 20% load (which would be good if i cant hit 60 fps on the absolutle minimum specs)

Im on the verge of literal tears out of pure frustration that the only thing i want this laptop for it cant even do anymore and given my illiteracy in software i have no clue what to do

Absolutely ANY help at all would be beyond appreciated, please.
after the restore, did you go to hp and install their drivers for your specific model? also is windows up to date?

Yeah and nothing changed, and both built in windows updater and the site say its up to date.

I ended up doing a full clean system restore last night to clear the drive completely and when it booted it was like nothing happened, been almost 12 hours since and ive had 0 issues and its working just as it was the day i got it. So i think its fixed?

After some google searches i think i accidentally installed too many drivers and it was clogging up my system, unsure if thats how it works cuz again not the best on the software side of things but various support threads say you can install too many and throttle your speeds.

So i guess its solved now?