Specs: i7-4510u, 8gb ram, 400-something gb HDD, not too old, etc. (well above Windows 10 minimum requirements). Running latest updates.
I have followed every single advice possible for how to speed up a laptop. I have disabled just about every single unnecessary service, optimized my hard drive, turned off animations, deleted all those UWP apps, and bloatware (I only have about 5-6 applications on my computer rn, including two drivers and MS edge), and yet my laptop is slow to boot, slow to load chrome, stutters while scrolling through webpages, cannot handle simple HTML animations, or play 4k video. Why would a laptop with specs so much higher than Microsoft's minimum system requirements for Windows 10 be so painfully slow?
I have followed every single advice possible for how to speed up a laptop. I have disabled just about every single unnecessary service, optimized my hard drive, turned off animations, deleted all those UWP apps, and bloatware (I only have about 5-6 applications on my computer rn, including two drivers and MS edge), and yet my laptop is slow to boot, slow to load chrome, stutters while scrolling through webpages, cannot handle simple HTML animations, or play 4k video. Why would a laptop with specs so much higher than Microsoft's minimum system requirements for Windows 10 be so painfully slow?