Laptop VGA Port Not Working


Jul 24, 2012
I have a two and one-half year old Dell Vostro with integrated graphics running XP Home. The VGA port does not send a signal out to a projector or an external monitor. I ran the Dell diagnostics and there were no errors. I updated the graphic accelerator drivers and that did not fix the problem. Does anyone think that it would be worth my time to reinstall Windows XP or install Windows 7 (the computer came with both versions)? Is there anything else I can try?


On most laptops there's a Funtion button that enables a special key to be pressed - typically to enable the VGA/HDMI port for single/dual/both monitors to get video signal

Press and hold the function button and then press the key that corresponds to the Monitor Out button - possibly the F8 key
I'm familiar with the function button that enables the VGA port for single/dual/both monitors to get a signal. But toggling that button does not send a signal to the external monitor.
I doubt that will help. Without having the exact model of your laptop, I can't tell you whether or not there's an option in the BIOS that turns it on or off - have you checked?

...and I'm assuming you've already checked the Dell support website for answers...
I had the same issue re VGA not functioning on extral monitor/TV after reading the advice on here I tried a mixture of the suggestions and somehow (luckily) found a solution and the VGA is up and runing perfectly!!
I selected function key (Fn on the laptop keyboard) and pressed F8 at same time and it worked!!!!!! pure luck but hey, try it---it may work for others, cheers James

I'll give it a shot. Thanks.