Hi. My laptop (ASUS X555LF) will turn on after a few attempts. I press the power button and nothing happens.
When laptop is plugged in the battery diode doesnt light. I have to press the powet button for 20+ sec. (more times) or sometimes I have to press the button fast 5+ times in a row. Then laptop turns on and the diode is normally lighting. Battery in laptop is okay, charger too.
Is something wrong on the mother board? What should I do now?
Thank you.
When laptop is plugged in the battery diode doesnt light. I have to press the powet button for 20+ sec. (more times) or sometimes I have to press the button fast 5+ times in a row. Then laptop turns on and the diode is normally lighting. Battery in laptop is okay, charger too.
Is something wrong on the mother board? What should I do now?
Thank you.