Laptop won't connect to tv via HDMI anymore!

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Aug 27, 2016
I have a Acer its at windows 10 and ive watched a movie and a half on my samsung tv with the HDMI cable.

Half way through the secound movie it went black on both screens, and everytime i try to connect the Tv says 'No Signal' please help :)
If you haven't already:

  • ■ Check your physical HDMI cable connections. Maybe something is loose.
    ■ Make sure your TV is set to the right input. Use the input button on the remote to switch between the inputs and see if it's on the wrong input mode.
    ■ Update your video drivers.
    ■ Try playing video through a different player such as: Media Player Classic, VLC, Windows Media Player, Netflix, Youtube, different browsers, etc.
If you haven't already:

  • ■ Check your physical HDMI cable connections. Maybe something is loose.
    ■ Make sure your TV is set to the right input. Use the input button on the remote to switch between the inputs and see if it's on the wrong input mode.
    ■ Update your video drivers.
    ■ Try playing video through a different player such as: Media Player Classic, VLC, Windows Media Player, Netflix, Youtube, different browsers, etc.
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