
Dec 16, 2011
So i going to buy a new TV but i cant decide wheter to buy LCD or a LED. And will i see a big difference if i buy HD not FULL HD. Im planning on buying 32" inch TV. So can anyone help me? Which one is the best?
Well, lets first understand that LED is simply a backlighting technology. LED backlit televisions have taken over the older CCFL LCD backlighting systems. LED does offer some benefits, such as using less power, and more accurate colors. Both types of backlit sets are LCD panels. When LED backlighting is implemented correctly, you do get a better image quality (Color Accuracy & Black Levels).

Different manufacturers have different ways of describing HD VS Full HD in their marketing specs. Some manufacturers describe Full HD as a 1080p resolution, and HD as 720p. Depending on how far back you will be sitting, it might not matter. If you are more than 5-6 feet back, your eyes won't be able to resolve the 360 lines of resolution, so save the money. if you are going to be sitting closer, and or using it as a PC monitor, you should seriously consider 1080p.

Also review this information, it includes a ton of help!

Edit. The only trye LED panel type of television is OLED, which is very cutting edge, and very cost prohibitive at this point. We should see these hit the shelves later this year. Starting prices will easily push $5,000 for a mid size panel.
go with 1080p instead of 720p. why waste money buying older technology when 1080p is going to be the current trend for several years. a 1080p tv will display 720p content as well although perhaps very very slightly less clear than a 720p screen. a 720p screen will play 1080p content (downscaled of course) but it will look like crap.

ignore anything like "full hd", "hd" and any other marketing terms. concentrate on actual resolutions.

there isnt any quality difference between led-edgelit and ccfl. the only benefit of leds is power savings unless you buy a higher end tv with a grid-layout of leds in which case there is improvement to contrast. however with expensive tvs you often get 120 or 240hz which has its own problems.

oled is true led panel technology but it is too costly at this point in time to recommend.
If cost is no object, absolutely, buy 1080p. But if budget is a consideration, that should be something on the checklist to axe.
1080p is not a newer technology than 720p. Both are included in the ATSC standard. Many television stations broadcast 720p, and others1080i. Nobody actually broadcasts 1080p with exception of directv, dish, and cable PPV. If you pick a set with a good scaler, you won't be able to tell the difference.

I believe you skimmed what i wrote...
When LED backlighting is implemented correctly, you do get a better image quality (Color Accuracy & Black Levels).

There is a huge image quality difference when LED is done correctly, either edge lit or local dimming.

As far as i can find, Toshiba is the only manufacturer to make a 32 inch Local Dimming LED set. It's MSRP is 849. You can pick up a good quality sony, or samsung edge lit set for 450-500, and a quality budget CCFL set for 350. Your bottom of the barrel sub $250 models suffer poor contrast, terrible light bleed, and of angle viewing. Select your budget, and get the best you can afford within it. - Top of the line toshiba with local dimming - 1080p Samsung -720p Samsung (nearly identical specs to the previous samsung. - 720 Sony CCFL
unless the goal is to buy as cheap a television as possible i wouldnt recommend 720p, ever. on a budge i would axe such things as 120hz, internet tv and 3d before i sacrifice on resolution.

i did read everything you wrote. unless leds are implemented in a grid pattern like some high end sets there really isnt much if any of a contrast difference. you will still see a gradient effect across the whole screen. as far as image quality and color accuracy that has to do with panel type and not just backlighting type.

personally i would recommend one of the 40" 1080p sony bravias. a little larger then the op requested but for the price they are unbeatable.
32" is right around where 1080p becomes relevant. If you will be sitting a fair distance (more than 2-3 meters) away from your TV, 720p will be fine, if you're getting right up in it's face, you'll want a better resolution.

The only difference between LED and LCD, as others have mentioned, is simply the backlighting technology. A true backlight grid will, theoretically, be better able to represent true black as the backlight can dim in black areas, and better represent darkness than a CCFL or Edge-Lit LED LCD tv.

TL;DR, if you're sitting far away and you're on a budget, just pick yourself up an el cheapo 720p 32" vizio, it'll be fine. If you're sitting close or want to splurge, invest a bit more, it'll be worth it.
remember that vision has quite a bit to do with perceived quality. for some 720p might look the same as 1080p at a distance but others might notice the difference like night and day. much more comes into play than just distance and size.

a vizio tv is like throwing money into the trash. if you dont believe me... when it breaks just try to get parts for it! it is a throw away tv.

I've had good luck with Vizio, and while it's certainly not top of the line, they use most all the same parts as LG units (in fact, IIRC they use LG panels) and in my experience have a lower price point than similar LG units. Stack that on top of the fact it's a 'murican company and I think that's reason enough to buy.

Of course, simply my opinion.
i'm not saying that picture quality is less than some other model televisions. it is true that some vizio models actually dont look half bad. what i'm saying is that i heard from the horses mouth (a repair tech who has been in the business a long time) that getting parts for vizio televisions is nigh impossible. if you cannot get parts then if it breaks (and it is made cheaply) you are completely sol.

its a gamble you have to be willing to make. personally i wouldnt ever make it.
I worked as a GM for a retail store for 10 years, aside from the junk no-name brands (akai, funai, olevia, etc etc), i had the most trouble with vizio sets and services. More vizio sets came back for repair than any other national brand, and as ssddx said, they can be incredibly difficult to repair due to parts availability. Again, just my .02.