Left speaker crackles only when right speaker is plugged in


Sep 4, 2013
My front left speaker started sounding bad and now I'm rewireing it to see if that would fix it. I've found that when I plug in my front left speaker by itself it sounds crystal clear, but when I plug in the front right one, the front left gets this really awful crackly sound. I've checked and double checked that none of the speaker wire is crossing over between the two speaker inputs.

The speaker wire that I'm using now is brand new and it doesn't seem to be an issue with the speaker itself since it works well when it's the only speaker plugged in. Only the front right speaker makes the front left sound bad, none of the others interfere.

It's not a buzz or hum type sound, it's a very crackly sound. Similar to a blown out speaker

Does anybody know what the issue is? I'm pretty handy, but I can't figure out whats wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Both speakers are wired in phase. Switching either of them doesn't change anything

It doesn't matter which speakers I use. Anything wired into the front right slot on the receiver causes the front left slot to sound awful. No other slots cause problems.

No grounding issue. It's not a constant buzz either, like a grounding problem would make. It sounds very similar to the speaker being blown out.

This is not a speaker issue, lol. I've tried swapping out the speaker for a different one and I've wired that speaker into a different slot on the receiver with no issue. It only effects whatevers plugged into the front left slot, regardless of which speaker it is.