Played with tablet till it got down to 7% power. Left it to charge over night, I didn't turn it off before I plugged it in. In fact I probably can count on one hand the number of times I actually have turned it off.
Anyway, the next day I took it off the cable and found it was all ready turned off. I've looked online and have tried every variation of 'hold the Power button down for x number of seconds, w/ and w/o holding the Volume Up button along with the Power.' that I could find online.
Now I'm just trying to make sure there isn't anything else I missed before I replace the battery.
Anyway, the next day I took it off the cable and found it was all ready turned off. I've looked online and have tried every variation of 'hold the Power button down for x number of seconds, w/ and w/o holding the Volume Up button along with the Power.' that I could find online.
Now I'm just trying to make sure there isn't anything else I missed before I replace the battery.