LG LM660(S/T) vs LM620(S/T)


Oct 24, 2010
Hallo guys, I'm in search of a 3D HDTV. I found these 2 models: LG 32LM660(S/T)* and LG 32LM620(S/T)*.

As it seems, the core differences are that the LM660 has WiFi built in, a vary sleek frame and has LED Plus.

I'm not that interested in the WiFi cause I don't think I will use the Smart features of the TV because I'll connect it to my PC for gaming.
The frame is a vary nice cosmetic touch and makes the experience much more enjoyable.

But most of all I would like to know what's the difference between LED and LED Plus. Is it such an advancement or just an eye-candy? In a scale from 0-100%, how much improvement would it make compared to normal LED?

The LM660 costs 555€ and the LM620 costs 475€ in Italy.

Don't hesitate to make any suggestion for any other TV, possibly with passive 3D, thanks!

*The LG 32LM620S (http://www.lg.com/it/tv/lg-37LM620S-tv-led) and the LG 32LM660S (http://www.lg.com/it/tv/lg-42LM660S-tv-led) are the Italian models.
The LG 32LM620T (http://www.lg.com/uk/tvs/lg-42LM620T-3d-tv) and the LG 32LM660T (http://www.lg.com/uk/tvs/lg-42LM660T-3d-tv) are the UK models


Hi Marco

I saw both model in Curry's last Sunday

I was more impressed from the model with the LED plus (660T/S) respect to the LED (620T/S)

I am waiting that the prize of the LED plus go down to buy it
