Logitech z5500 weird sound

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Jan 10, 2017
Hello, lately my z5500 system makes a weird sound when the room is quiet at night(when everything else is off) and is kind of annoying when i am trying to sleep. I noticed that if i pull the subwoofer out of the socket the weird noise stop. Because i have also other devices in the same power strip(my pc, a printer etc) i tried pulling them one buy one out so i can notice if the noise is due to some of these devices but the noise kept being there. Do you have any solutions?

Thank you in advance
I never experienced this on my 5500's but my control center went dead eventually. 🙁

Can you describe what it sounds like ? Is it like a whine or a humming sound ?
I read the control centre was the part that failed on many sets, it could have been cause of mine too since everything ran through it. They were good speakers, I got Z906 to replace them, just not the same.

its something like this http://

That's what I replaced them with too. For some reason I still liked the 5500's better, could just be the aesthetic or the fabulous looking control center over the z906.

I'm not an audio expert so bare with me, but that sounds very similar to when you remove your 3.5mm jacks from the output device. I wonder if it's possible that there is a connection issue with one of your jacks ?

When the audio signal source is on it still makes the sound, to test it, conect the sound cable to a phone while evrything is off, to be able to notice if the sound is still present. I got a Home amp (sony 5.1, 200W RMS) and everytime i turn off the amp, the subwoofer starts making the same nboise you hear, when i turn on the amp it stops. I dont like this system for one reason, false specs, it is advertised a 500W RMS but in reality it has around 100W RMS. I know because i opened one and the electronic compnents they were using cannot deliver more 130W mark. One more thing you can see is the poewr it draws from the plug, The Volts (V) Multiply with Amps (A) and you get the total draw power, the convertion is in the best case 80% so 80% from what you obtain is the power generated by the system. In europe it is 230V with 0.55A so that is 126W from power plug, that means around 100W real power output.

why do i need to find out the power output though?


I hate how Z906 remote is even smaller than the Z5500, i used to lose the Z5500 remote almost once a week in here, the Z906 one is worse. tempted to velcro it to something so i know where it is.

I was sad the speakers weren't same design as I was going to use my dust overs on them. I gave them to a friend, not sure if they still work.
Yeah the remote is pretty average, but I don't find myself using it very often. I would love to repair the 5500's but those replacement control centers on Ebay look a little suspect, and who knows how long until it will happen again.

I'm not a fan of the z906 control center, it looks ugly and is less intuitive than the 5500. You know, this thread reminded me how good they were. I feel I need to restore them to their former glory. :)
illogical control panel - Z906 - only way you know you are in 5.1 mode is when there are no lights showing what surround mode you are in... um, who thought that was a smart idea? It doesn't mention it anywhere in the book. Only cause it took 12 hours to get analog 5.1 out of PC and I had to read heaps did I find that out.

I like them though, hopefully they last half the time my last ones did. Took me 3 months to work out they were playing up, I had them so long they were beyond reproach and completely trusted, which is why i overlooked them for as long as I did. I blamed everything else in PC for my problems. Was only when i reinstalled windows and PC worked perfect until I connected them, that it clicked. And I was sad.
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