Looking 4 an Aspire Audio Genius (XP SP3)


Jul 19, 2016
Oookaaay… after spending two days on the web looking for an answer, I’m at my wits end.
I have an Acer Aspire One AOD 250 running XP SP3. The HD died and I replaced it and restored XP. So far so good. Except that the sound is coming though crackley and tinny and buzzy.

I ran a movie, and the sound is just as bad. On Netflix, it’s just as bad and when I run an MP3 file of a hit song, it’s just as bad.

I ASSUME that it’s either the audio card (whatever the h*** that is) or the drivers. I did d/l and install the proper drivers for the card from the Acer website, and it’s still going on! Aaaa!

I’m here, at Tom’s asking if someone can give me some guidance on what I need to do. I don’t think the card’s toast, but if so, I’ll change the sucka.
Well it could be the sound card, or it could also be the speaker(s).

Have you tried using headphones and seeing if you get the same problem? That will help you narrow it down a bit.