Looking for a laptop <= 800, for school.

The Aspire laptop you linked offers good bang for the buck. Acer typically sells laptops with dedicated GPUs at a pretty low price compared to other brands. The 940mx is more than enough to play LoL with maxed out settings at 1080p. However, for BF4, yeah, you are liking going to have to set graphic settings to low or a mix of low & medium settings.

The best laptop you can get for under $800 is the following Dell Inspiron i7559 for $780 which has a quad core i5-6300HQ CPU and a GTX 960m which is significantly more powerful than the 940mx.


If you are looking for a compromise between price...
The Aspire laptop you linked offers good bang for the buck. Acer typically sells laptops with dedicated GPUs at a pretty low price compared to other brands. The 940mx is more than enough to play LoL with maxed out settings at 1080p. However, for BF4, yeah, you are liking going to have to set graphic settings to low or a mix of low & medium settings.

The best laptop you can get for under $800 is the following Dell Inspiron i7559 for $780 which has a quad core i5-6300HQ CPU and a GTX 960m which is significantly more powerful than the 940mx.


If you are looking for a compromise between price & performance between the two laptops, then there is the following Acer laptop with the quad core i5-6300HQ and GTX 950m for $690. However, I think it is worth spending the extra $90 for the Dell Inspiron i7559 for the GTX 960m. The extra performance means you would probably buy a new laptop later rather than sooner as you play games that are even more demand than BF4 in the future.


Click the following link that will bring you to some game benchmark comparisons for the 940m, 940mx, GTX 950m and GTX 960m.

