Looking for Good Budget Audio Interface (Audient id14 vs Steinberg ur44)


Jun 29, 2014
So i'm looking into buying a decent audio interface for my home studio. I want to record music with acoustic guitars, vocals, piano, etc. I'm looking at 2 or 3 different units so far. Direct input for my guitars is also rather important to me. Overall the sound quality and good driver support are strong focus points for me. I run windows 10.
The Audient id14 https://www.amazon.com/Audient-iD14-Performance-Audio-Interface/dp/B00UALWPCA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1476655908&sr=8-1&keywords=audient+id14
The Steinberg ur44 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/steinberg-ur44-usb-audio-interface/4844123.p?skuId=4844123

Being that i'm an electronics store employee I can actually get the steinberg ur44 cheaper than the audient id14.

The other option I was looking at was the native instruments komplete audio 6. I'm really leaning towards the audient id14 due to the exceptional reviews it gets from all sources. It also just looks awesome. The steinberg ur44 is normally a $400 interface. The id14 runs around $275 on amazon. For the price difference I question whether it would be silly for me to go for the id14 if I could get the ur44 for cheaper. The ur44 also has 4 inputs while the id14 has 2.

Probably that sleek design! :)
I still reckon you should get the UR44 anyway, as it will be much better for futureproofing any potential work/projects in the future, and if anything just improve resale value, as there will be a far wider market for it.
Again though, doesn't really matter as both are good. 😛
If you can get the UR44 for cheaper, it is much better for recording on multiple inputs if you're planning on say doing more than two electric guitar inputs to do multiple recordings, band work or split audio tracks.
The id14 is still very good though.
I'd personally go for the UR44 because of the greater control and flexibility it offers, but either is a good choice, all comes down to personal needs and preference, both are quality units.

I record mostly solo work with 2 mics/instruments at a time max. Something about the id14 just draws me in.
Probably that sleek design! :)
I still reckon you should get the UR44 anyway, as it will be much better for futureproofing any potential work/projects in the future, and if anything just improve resale value, as there will be a far wider market for it.
Again though, doesn't really matter as both are good. 😛

So I ended up ordering the Audient id14. Something about it's simple looking design and portability just screamed IT'S PERFECT to me. It does have ADAT input for expanding my xlr inputs in the future (probably costly). I really, really hope I don't regret this lol. Like i said earlier, I really never record anything with more than 2 at a time, if ever.