looking for vga analog to digital converter


Jul 25, 2012
I need to buy that converter can anyone send me a link of it for sale?
it's very important that the interfaces will be both of input and output in VGA adapter.

if u also can't find it (which is very weird ) how can create a converter as i want the input and output as VGA connectors.
VGA is an analog Signal. I have never seen a consumer device that used a digital verison of VGA. The cable itself isn't capable of converting analog to digital. Are you sure you aren't looking for a VGA to DVI/HDMI adapter, or convertor? Those would be used to connect a VGA monitor to DVI, or HDMI video card. If you are sure, if you provided model numbers of the devices you are working with, we could probably help more.
hi, i receive from a spectrum analyzer analog signals and i need to convert it to digital signals cuz i need to save it in cyclone 2 (which has digital vga connector)
The VGA on the Cyclone II Dev board is a 15 Pin D-Sub analog video output there is no VGA input. A few of the kits have USB, RS-232, and other custom inputs. These boards are not set up to receive a VGA video signal of any kind, only display. You should probably move your question to a forum dedicated to this sort of application, or call the manufacturer of your board, the Home Theatre section of Toms isn't going to be able to help you much





sorry i was confused i receive from the spectrum analyzer analog signals (connected with analog vga to the spectrum for readin the data). now i have to convert it to digital signals and connected it to a i/0 input in cyclone 2. do u have any suggestion how to do it without converting to vga digital?
Unfortunately, i don't know very much about these Cyclone units, so you will probably need to check with a development site specific to your needs. I DO know, however, if your analyzer has RS232, or USB outputs, you would save yourself quite a bit of development time and headache by using one of those. There is already support built into the system, and you wouldn't need to write too much custom software/firmware to integrate the input stream from your analyzer. Best of luck!