Mac book pro 13" w/touch bar vs Asus GL702VM in video editing


Dec 8, 2016
Well,hello every one,
I have a problem with two really interesting the mac book pro 2016 13"with touch bar and the other one the Asus GL702VM.
I am almost,I mean it,almost the whole day working on premiere pro,magic bullet looks,blender,and as you know now days,4k video editing.
So I am wondering which one I should buy?I have being looking around for reviews,but what I noticed with video editing is the GPU.this will be really important.but the MBP only has Intel and the Asus GL702VM has gtx GPU.MBP has good mic,speaker,and a handy touch bar,so what is the choose?
And thank you if you can help me with it.and also what ever laptop you think is appropriate,please also give me the accessories for the the USB c docking station,some hard drive you think is good for video editing,some cool pads,etc.
Thank you so much if you can give me the recommendation and the accessories!

I recommend the asus laptop as premiere pro has cuda acceleration (the nvidia gpu will speed up the workflow a lot) and blender like a powerful gpu when going high poly. Just make sure the asus has the 6700hq and ips panel as it has some variations that don't have it. Also you can upgrade the ra to 16gb which is almost necessary for your applications to function smoothly if you have more than 1 of them at a time open.

For accessories you won't need a dock for the asus laptop as it has all the ports it needs already on it. And for a hdd I just recommend you get whadever external hdd that you want that is usb 3.0.

1 thing to note is that the Asus laptop comes with a 1 tb hdd so you might want to throw in a 500 gb ssd m.2 ssd and then use the 1tb hdd as extra storage. It's really easy to do and doesn't take a lot of time:

As for a laptop stand: just get whatever you think looks like it will work for you.

Overall the Asus will last you longer than the mac because it allows you to add in ram and has a much much more powerful gpu.

Over all,I think Asus GL702VM is a good option,but as I see in review is that the MBP is better and better speaker, and the touch bar...hey,great.
But the Asus is great like you said,I highly thank you about the opinion,and the battery life,which one is better? because yes,I am getting a laptop for traveling,and this is what I think.what is your opinion?

When on battery the asus will switch to the integrated graphics and try to save battery in that way (the same gpu the mac has). However the mbp will have longer battery life according to tests. The difference between them is about 1 hour according to what I could find. This is however nothing compared to the difference between the mbp and asus when plugged in. Speaker wise it doesn't really matter as laptop speakers overall are pretty crappy. However the asus has decent-good speakers according to reviews. The touch bar on the mac is essentially a glorified macro button interface. You most likely won't miss out on anything when using those applications.

Still the asus is the better buy overall.
I would choose the asus laptop as it is better for premier pro and blender. Premier pro is more optimised in windows than mac as they have final cut pro. The advantage comes with blender where a good gpu is needed when making high poly models.

The downside is that the asus laptop will have a worse battery life than the mbp as I think it has g sync which disables optimus. This is normally the trade off in most laptops, what is more important, power or battery life.
One thing I just don't get.(as a side joke) that can they just make more battery life?OR JUST BUY A DESKTOP!!
And about the MBP,I'm just wondering because I heard that Mac OS don't freeze as much as win.
Is that true?

Yes,this is a really good suggestion.
So the as us is a good I will try going for it.
Have you try this asus laptop?how does it go?
And does it freeze often?i hate freezing so does all of you definitely.

Thank you

I haven't used this particular model but it shouldn't freeze. Most laptops I know will do their job well if they are taken care of. Windows 10 does take more time to stabilise than macs but that is not surprising as microsoft has to make the os for a lot more laptops than apple does with their macs.

On my asus, I have not seen a freeze yet or a blue screen of death.