
Upon realizing a discussion I joined in the old forums under the CPU category regarding Mac G4's had degraded into a discussion more related to the Mac OS, I realized that there is some degree of interest in where the Mac OS currently is and where it is going. That I why I am opening a new topic here. I have some knowledge others may not have, and I need knowledge from others that I don't have.

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Is anyone else using OS X Server who can offer advice and opinion? How about someone who is curious about OS X?

Does anyone else here think OS X has the potential to compete with the Micro$oft solutions?


Is it just me, or did OS 9 break more than it fixed? And I HATE keychains!


Has anyone out there tried the various ways to port OS X to the PC? Granted it is a bloated iteration of BSD, but I'd like to try it. What is the best way?


I realize that some people view the Mac as a dead-end non-entity in the computer world, but I'd like to change some misinformation out there. Sure there are many very stupid problems with Macs. That's a given. However, I can find just as many problems with my PC's. I think both platforms have their strengths. I ask those of you who agree with me to be counted. If you disagree, tell me why, maybe we'll agree. This is purely for my interest and I don't necessarily to even get a hit on this topic.


No Bearded_Yak, I can't tell Mac is a dead-end computer (at least for now). Yes there are some problems with that (the worst is it can't handle memory very well, sometimes you can't open view application, it will cry about memory).
In my university lab they recently put G4 with Mac OS 9 (I guess there is OS X beta), and these computer looks and works much better (but still problem with memory :). Mac is good when it comes to multimedia, especially to Quicktime. You can have your Macromedia and Adobes powerfull programs also. I hated circle mouse in previous Macs, I like new ones, but still Mac is a little behind. :-(


I agree, the hockey-puck mouse sucked. I also have had similar problems with memory allocation. Luckily, OS X seems to be taking care of that. OS X Public Beta is available for the general public (at a cost) and OS X Server version 1 has been sold to many educational institutions and some corporate entities. I've got over a dozen OS X Servers running alongside my NT Servers and Appleshare IP Servers. Amazingly enough the OS X Servers are the most stable of the bunch (although version 1 is a pain to configure and update.)
I hope that the final release of OS X and the version 2 of OS X Server continue on this path to improve Apple's offerings.
Oh, one problem with the G4 that you may or may not notice is that OS 9 doesn't fully use the raw processing power available from the hardware.


Hey Yak. I've got a question for you.

I'm starting a professional quality Hard Disk recording studio, and I need to decide which kind of computer I will get. My dad has a PIII 800EB (with a CUSL2 mobo) Windows setup which he is very happy with, and suggests that I get a similar setup for my studio. However, a lot of people who I've talked to about recording rich audio suggest Mac G4s for studios. The computer I choose will be completely designated for audio recording only, and will have 3 designated Hard Drives (one for applications, and the other two for saving pre-mixed/mixed audio).

Your opinion on this would be much appreciated, as I am completely unfamiliar with the world of Macs!