Man Adds Flamethrower to Bike, Warns Tailgaters

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[citation][nom]Gankak[/nom]Maybe if people would get a clue and not get in the passing lane and proceed not to pass. If you want to be a Sunday driver thats fine just get in the slow lane and do it.[/citation]

If you are in a 35mph zone and you are following a car going ~35mph you have no right to tailgate them. Even if they are in a "passing lane" since both lanes are of the same speed limit rating. Thinking contrary to this is why we have so many accidents.

If the person you are following is going much slower than the speed limit in the passing lane... there isn't a whole lot you can do. No matter the tailgating, Posturing, Swearing and Beeping that you might do: They still have the right of way. More often than not drivers will eventually let you pass if they know you want to pass but give them ample space between you. Repect cultures respect after all.

As for this gimick.. Sure we all wish for one in certain roadrage situations. However, having such a device might make a person itch to use it. I'll stick with gesturing.



Mar 6, 2008
"Why not fit one at the front too? If someone's just cut you up ... PAYBACK!"

Um. Ever spit in the wind? How about piss? Try it with a stream of fire.


Aug 1, 2008
Admit it. How many of you really thought of this before? I know I have, not that I would have actually gone through with it.



Sep 17, 2008
[citation][nom]ssddx[/nom]If you are in a 35mph zone and you are following a car going ~35mph you have no right to tailgate them. Even if they are in a "passing lane" since both lanes are of the same speed limit rating.[/citation]

Actually no that is incorrect, in Texas anyway. The passing lane is for "passing" if you are not passing you should not be in it. You get get a citation for abusing the lane. The signs say "Slower traffic keep right" not "Slower traffic keep right...unless you are going 35"


Dec 7, 2009
Using a spot light will get you into nearly as much trouble, the authorities frown on blinding other drivers…


Sep 10, 2009
so if he does catch someone on fire what's to stop them from slamming on the gas and running him down?

All the driver has to say was that they were afraid for their life and had to defend themselves.


Feb 20, 2007
[citation][nom]ssddx[/nom]If you are in a 35mph zone and you are following a car going ~35mph you have no right to tailgate them. Even if they are in a "passing lane" since both lanes are of the same speed limit rating. Thinking contrary to this is why we have so many accidents.If the person you are following is going much slower than the speed limit in the passing lane... there isn't a whole lot you can do. No matter the tailgating, Posturing, Swearing and Beeping that you might do: They still have the right of way. More often than not drivers will eventually let you pass if they know you want to pass but give them ample space between you. Repect cultures respect after all.As for this gimick.. Sure we all wish for one in certain roadrage situations. However, having such a device might make a person itch to use it. I'll stick with gesturing.[/citation]

No actually. In many places there is a legally designated passing lane, it just isn't enforced properly. (in the US at least, which constitutes the bulk of my driving history)... The left lanes are the passing lanes because (1. The driver is on the left and has a better view of that side (and right hand mirrors are such crap that they are required to have that warning written on them) and (2. because 99% of entry and exit ramps are on the right side of the freeway. So...the right hand lanes are expected to move more slowly because of entering and exiting cars, and drivers are expected to overtake on the left to minimize problems with blindspots. Even in areas without such laws, if the driver sits in the left seat, slow traffic belongs on the right. They have the right to move to the right, not the right of way.

Your description also fails to mention WHY this person is doing the speed limit in the passing lane. It is because they are tired of having to speed up and slow down when they drive to the right where they belong (because of the merging near the ramps), and they are selfish, and they are pretty convinced their crap doesn't stink, and they are going to block the passing lane if they want, and they really don't care if there are four and a half miles of cars backed up behind them.

Slow drivers are quicker to hit their brakes and slower to speed back up. They have no concept of the accordion effect. They don't get it that they are the number one reason that freeways backup, save for the cell phone drivers. They don't understand that their narrow view of the time they spend righteously going the speed limit has next to no relevance.

You go however fast you want, but if you're in the passing lane and someone pulls up behind you don't just be selfish and keep blocking the flow of traffic. You get your ass out of their way, just let them have their speeding ticket, and reduce the traffic density for the people that come behind you.


Nov 2, 2006
[citation][nom]ssddx[/nom]If you are in a 35mph zone and you are following a car going ~35mph you have no right to tailgate them. Even if they are in a "passing lane" since both lanes are of the same speed limit rating. Thinking contrary to this is why we have so many accidents.If the person you are following is going much slower than the speed limit in the passing lane... there isn't a whole lot you can do. No matter the tailgating, Posturing, Swearing and Beeping that you might do: They still have the right of way. More often than not drivers will eventually let you pass if they know you want to pass but give them ample space between you. Repect cultures respect after all.As for this gimick.. Sure we all wish for one in certain roadrage situations. However, having such a device might make a person itch to use it. I'll stick with gesturing.[/citation]

Actually I should clarify my comment as it was meant for Freeway/Interstate drivers and not city traffic.


Feb 14, 2006
[citation][nom]ssddx[/nom]If you are in a 35mph zone and you are following a car going ~35mph you have no right to tailgate them. Even if they are in a "passing lane" since both lanes are of the same speed limit rating. Thinking contrary to this is why we have so many accidents.If the person you are following is going much slower than the speed limit in the passing lane... there isn't a whole lot you can do. No matter the tailgating, Posturing, Swearing and Beeping that you might do: They still have the right of way. More often than not drivers will eventually let you pass if they know you want to pass but give them ample space between you. Repect cultures respect after all.As for this gimick.. Sure we all wish for one in certain roadrage situations. However, having such a device might make a person itch to use it. I'll stick with gesturing.[/citation]

In some states in the US it is a violation to drive under a minimum speed limit (not just over the posted speed limit) on segments of certain roads such as in Arizon and North Carolina and will get you a ticket if you're caught. :) Just some food for thought as they say, lol. I do find the flame thrower mod quite amusing though.


Nov 13, 2008
Hmm... so flamethrowers are out....

What about a HUGE... 1.21 gigawatt huge... rear-facing spotlight that will shine melt-your eyeballs amounts of light? I'd imagine that would get tailgaters off you back (and maybe the road, too).


"Even if they are in a "passing lane" since both lanes are of the same speed limit rating."
First off, who cares the speed limit, it is the passing lane for passing only, slower traffic keep right. Just because the cops do not enforce it does not mean it is ok to take matters into your own hands and drive the speed you want. Most of the time these people are driving below the speed limit and are oblivious to their environment putting on makeup, eating, talking or whatever instead of driving like they are supposed to.

"Repect cultures respect after all."
Yes, and when you can't be considerate enough to drive the speed limit and get over rather than just drive the speed of the only other person on the road and sit right next to them, where is the respect. Being inconsiderate is disrespectful. An eye for an eye, you disrespect me, I'll disrespect you. Unfortunately the horn, tailgaiting, and flashing bright lights are what drivers have at their disposal to try to wake up the morons. I've heard no one drives slow in the passing lane on the Audubon because they are afraid to. Maybe if there were consequences to driving slow like the flame thrower...


Dec 21, 2005
[citation][nom]Grims[/nom]Actually no that is incorrect, in Texas anyway. The passing lane is for "passing" if you are not passing you should not be in it. You get get a citation for abusing the lane. The signs say "Slower traffic keep right" not "Slower traffic keep right...unless you are going 35"[/citation]

That law is true in England. Unfortunately the only people who adhere to it, are those learning to drive.


Aug 13, 2009
[citation][nom]TommySch[/nom]He should get a f****** real bike...Btw, throw that at my car Ill throw your off the road with my front bumper.[/citation]

...and then you'll go to prison. Great Job!
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