
Mar 12, 2011
have a EVGA 7300GT 512MB PCIe w/ DVI/HDTV video card and attempting to watch movies on the television, which is a 47 LG. Per the TV manual, set the resolution to 1920X 1080 60 cycles, which has been done. I have a DVI to HDMI cable (6ft) from the PC to a wall plate with a 25 feet HDMI TO HDMI to a second wall plate and then a six foot HDMI TO HDMI cable into HDMI 2 input on the television.

I briefly got a MPEG movie on the screen but when i tried to adjust the size i lost it and all i get is black.
I have tried avi movie and all i get is a black screen in the VLC video player, which is my movie viewer of choice.

i do see my desktop on the television, folders, etc & that looks good but what is lacking is any video inside the player outline.

i have, what i feel, is a lage collection of avi files and would definitely enjoy watching them on the television without the bother of making, storing and saving DVDs.

Thanking you in advance for any help you may render, :cry:
