Microphone makes buzzing/electronical/robotic sounds cannot hear my voice?


May 19, 2016
Not sure if this is the correct section of the forums for my question but feel free to move or direct to the correct section if its wrong so i can get better answers.

When i put the microphone port in my PC and listen to device all i hear is buzzing/electrical noises and cannot hear my own voice. I tried many different things and watched videos for weeks now nothing seems to work. I thought it was headset problem so i bought a microphone and still doing same thing.

It worked a few times but when i was playing league of legends but then sometimes i removed the headphone port to listen via speakers and then it would mess up again.

Now it never works, i cannot talk to my friends because of the buzzing noise or use my mic in general but only listen and use headphones which forces me to type to communicate.

Hey there,
What sort of microphone did you buy? It might be worth buying an audio interface so that you can record and monitor. Something like this: https://djcity.com.au/product/focusrite-scarlett-solo-2nd-gen-usb-audio-interface/
It's an external soundcard so should alleviate any internal soundcard problems and will allow you to plug a microphone, speakers and headphones directly into it. This is the exact interface I got my housemate for a similar (though not the same) problem.

Hi thanks for the reply. I do not have that kind of money to spend on testing things. I already have expensive Sennheiser HD 598 headphones i bought for gaming and recently bought a cheap digitech computer microphone to see if the headset was causing the problem which was not.