Microphone not working on Corsair Vengeance 1500


Sep 15, 2012
Hello everyone!
So I'm writing on this forum out of despair really. Just a couple of hours ago I received a brand new gaming system: Motherboard Asus P8z77-V Pro, Videocard: Gtx 670 MSI, etc. The problem I have at the moment is that the Vengeance 1500 is not working properly as follows: I can hear with them but the microphone does not work and if I do not disable the Corsair Microphone from the Sounds in Windows 7 I keep hearing low distortion sound in the background; furthermore I noticed that the microphone, ocasionally, seems to detect when I move it around for some reason and registers the vibrations or something of the kind as noise.
The Corsair Driver from the website did not help one bit.

Possible useful information: I saw in the device manage, in the audio section there were 3 installed: Nvidia High Definition Audio, Realtek High Definition Audio and of course Corsair Vengeance 1500 (all of which I disabled together or separately but with no sucess).

I have also used them on my laptop and they work just fine, no static noise, microphone works as well.

I have tried all the USB ports, both front and back, both 2.0 and 3.0.

I have tried disabling the onboard audio.

None have worked so far.

Any hints as to what could be wrong and a possible solution would be GREATLY appreciated as this problems annoys me to the point where I dislike the entire system I just received. Thank you very much!
Hey! I know this post a bit old, but I bought the headset a few days ago and I had the exact same problems like you did.

My motherboard is similar to yours too (ASUS P8z68-V PRO).

Long story short I've found a fix for it.

So I was messing around on Corsair forums and somebody sad that did I check the Microsoft default sound drivers?

I was like, wow that sounds like crap to me.
So, I reinstalled Windows, went to Device Manager - under Sound - High Definition Audio (or smthing like that) - Right Click - Uninstall.

Then Install the corsair headset drivers, and I have sound, mic, everything.
It's amazing.

Then I went to Control Panel - Sound - Speakers - Properties and I set Line-in and Microphone to 0, no more static noise.

Mic? - Check
Awsome 7.1 without any noise? - Check

Hope this helps someone in the future having the same problem.

Oh wow! Thank you for the reply.
The solution came for me in a rather interesting manner. All I had to do was move the tip closer to the mouth, increasing the microphone's natural outward curve. I believe it had something to do with a connection between wires or so.
Thank you again for your reply. Glad to hear you got yours working as well. Enjoy the comfiness :))