MicroSD card problems/weird situation

Oct 22, 2018
So I just bought a MicroSD card today from Canada Computers (So I don't need to worry about the fake card bs) as a replacement for my old one which would apparently get "corrupted" after a few weeks to a few months of it being used as internal shared storage but would last forever as an external storage, which is a weird enough situation as is. Anyways, this SD card that I got is almost way worse, when I put it in my phone and formatted it as internal and connected a usb cable to transfer my music and photos back on, it would not let me and it would not even show up in the file explorer although normally it would say Internal shared storage, it just said internal storage and it just said the 10 gigs I had for storage. When I took it out and put it into an sd card reader, it said it was a usb, which is normal but would still act the same, but another usb, called usb G: appeared saying it was corrupted and that I needed to format it, which I didnt, I went back to the sd card and tried to copy some music but it would not let me as it would say "error 0x80070057 invalid parameters", but when I formatted the card back to external, I had no problem copying music, etc onto the card, I then formatted it back to internal through my phone and then formatted the card from my computer through the sd card reader and then when I put it back into my phone, it says all 32 gigs out of 32 gigs are used only by the system, but I can format it back to external and itll say only 65 kb are used, but I can then format back to internal from my phone and it will still say all 32 gigs are being used by system, I will go tomorrow back to canada computers and see if they can be of any help and if they will give me a replacement card or fix it.
You said you made it "Internal" storage on the phone but then formatted it on the computer? Well there is one misstep. Once you made it "Internal" storage on the phone it should not have been formatted by the computer. That would totally mess things up.

It may be the card, but it also could be 'how' you are trying to make it "Internal" storage. Try the following and see if it works for you.

Oh and before you start, Make sure you restart (turn off and back on) the phone.

First, you need to be using a phone that is running at least Android "Marshmallow" (6.0) or newer, or be able to upgrade to it. Second, you will need the instructions I am including below. And third, you need a phone that has not been restricted by the manufacturer...
You said you made it "Internal" storage on the phone but then formatted it on the computer? Well there is one misstep. Once you made it "Internal" storage on the phone it should not have been formatted by the computer. That would totally mess things up.

It may be the card, but it also could be 'how' you are trying to make it "Internal" storage. Try the following and see if it works for you.

Oh and before you start, Make sure you restart (turn off and back on) the phone.

First, you need to be using a phone that is running at least Android "Marshmallow" (6.0) or newer, or be able to upgrade to it. Second, you will need the instructions I am including below. And third, you need a phone that has not been restricted by the manufacturer from making this change. Which does happen.

NOTE: If any of the steps are missing on your phone, or they don't work for you, then you have a phone that either has an older Android version or has been restricted by the manufacturer. If that is the case, you will not be able to use this information.

How to turn the "External" SD card into "Internal" storage - Option A

NOTE: Please be sure you start with a blank SD card. It needs to be blank because when the card is converted to "Internal" storage, it will be formatted (wiped) and encoded (making the cards data only readable by that device).

1. Go to device “Settings”, then select “Storage”.
2. Select your "SD Card", then tap the “three-dot menu“ (top-right), now select “Settings” from in there.
3. Now select “Format as internal”, and then “Erase & Format”.
4. Your SD Card will now be formatted as internal storage.
5. Reboot your phone.

NOTE: If you don't reboot the phone, many things may not work correctly, so make sure you do.

How to turn the "External" SD card into "Internal" storage - Option B

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure you start with a blank SD card. When the card is converted to "Internal" storage, it will be formatted (wiped) and encoded (making the cards data only readable by that device), so anything on it prior would be gone.

1. Go to "Settings", and then select "Storage & USB".
2. At the bottom of the list you should see the SD card's details, including the option to format it and make it "Internal" storage.
3. Once this is done, reboot the device and you can start running things from the card.

NOTE: If you don't reboot the phone, some things may not work correctly, so make sure you do the reboot.

A Final Note: If you set up the card as "Internal" storage, then the data on it will not be readable by any other device. To access the data you would have to connect he phone to say a computer and copy it over to the computer from the phone/card. Otherwise only phone can read the data. Also, be sure you do not reset (hard or factory) the phone. If you do, then all the data on the card will no longer be readable, even by the phone itself.


Yeah I'm using a rooted moto g5 running 8.1 and I'm going to use a partition software to set permissions, etc. I realized after that formatting using the pc was a bad idea.