Solved! mine is less than 2 years old and it has the same problem please help

Oct 22, 2018
hie guys please help me, i have an asus sonic master X451 U and its less than 2 years old. At first it wasn`t switching on until i removed the battery and plugged the charger only but now its only blinking an orange light
Most likely issue is a failed motherboard. Not much you can do there, you can try another charger, try different RAM. Not sure what you mean by "same problem", if there was another thread about this system or issue did you check what the options to try there? You probably will need a new motherboard.
Most likely issue is a failed motherboard. Not much you can do there, you can try another charger, try different RAM. Not sure what you mean by "same problem", if there was another thread about this system or issue did you check what the options to try there? You probably will need a new motherboard.