Movies from Computer souce - what's better


May 20, 2008
I am looking to buy a projector mainly used to watch movies (so far from DVDs) and rarely used for presentations. The source will be a computer maybe in future a Bluray.

Mainly I'm looking at the Panasonic PT-AX200E (3xLCD 720p) and the InFocus IN35W (DLP 1280x800).
One is a typical home cinema projector, the other a more business presentation type.

On which one will the movies look better if they come from a computer source?
How do presentations look like on a 720p projector?

Help would be much appreciated.

I'd consider reading through this article. It's a bit dated, so I think the differences between DLP and LCD are probably even less, but read through it and make up your own mind.

Just for reference, I have a BenQ MP610 DLP projector (specs here) running at it's maximum resolution of 1280x1024 and it plays my DVDs (connected via my ATI HD2600 Pro) extremely well in a dark room.

-Wolf sends