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Question,,, Do today's TIVO's require a subscription or are they
pre-subscribed (like the earlier Replays) I was looking at the price tag
yesterday for "The TIvo Box" at Best Buys,,, Just in passing
Zardoz wrote:
> "John in Detroit" <> wrote in message
> news:bB3pe.8319$
>>Gee, with a replay you could have nine in the same room and control them
>>all with the same remote... Much easier in my opinion
> You could with Tivo too. I did say "I could have 9 Tivo's all set to
> different codes, but I'd need several
> remotes to control them "
> Now here's the important part
> "or change the code on a single remote every time."
> You'd have to reprogram the remote for each one. It's just a matter of
> holding down two buttons at once then entering the 1 digit code. That's
> hardly any more of a pita than the Replay would be.
>>Another option with replay, I don't know if TIVO can do this. Most
>>functions (nearly all) I can control from a different room, For example, I
>>have a Replay normally in my basement (That is the one boxed for return)
>>and I normally watch TV on a daisy chained tv (SImply means down stream
>>from the replay) in my bedroom, 1 floor up, I control it with my laptop,
>>using the remote feature in DV-Archive. It can control any single replay.
>>And you can invoke multiple incidencts of the remote so it can control
>>every replay.
> I'd think most other methods used for controling things in other parts of
> the house using IR or RF would be a lot more convenient.
>>In addition, if I"m say in, oh, Chicago (Visiting) and remember a show I
>>want to record,,, So long as it's on tomorrow or later I can set my replay
>>here in Detroit to record it via the internet.
>>Very nice
> A tivo connected to a home network can be programmed to record something via
> the internet even if it's on in an hour. Those Tivo's using dial-up are
> limited to schedule things only a day or so in advance. Tivo's make their
> daily call at any hour of the day at 24-30 hour intervals, not just during
> the wee hours of the night like Replay. So if my tivo just called in and
> then I schedule a program via the internet for 18 hours from now - it won't
> record unless a call is forced before that time. The older original models
> often called the Series 1 Tivos can't be programmed in this manner. But
> they can record by time and channel w/o a subscription.
John F Davis, in Delightful Detroit. WA8YXM(at)arrl(dot)net
"Nothing adds excitement like something that is none of your business"