Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)
Danny Hobbs wrote:
> I am still learning the Replay machine, but with multiple replays, be it in
> the same room or in different rooms in the house, can't you control
> programming and watch what you want from one replay? Most of the time you
> wouldn't need to directly control the other replays.
> For example: 3 replays in the bedroom Top | Middle | Bottom
> You use the top replay for watching TV and playing back shows. When you
> record a show, don't you have the option to have it record to another
> replay? Record CSI to Middle replay, watch CSI from Middle replay. You see
> where I am going with this.
> Hopefully I can sit down and read FAQs and more of the manual soon to learn
> what I am missing.
> Just my two cents
> "Tony D." <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:j8edneG1_6rx_TnfRVn-1A@giganews.com...
>>Joe Mamma wrote:
>>>I've got two RTVs (and two remotes) in the same room. Is there some way
>>>to have one respond only to one remote, and the other respond only to the
>>>other remote. I'm hoping that's why there's a jumper header (marked JP1)
>>>in the battery compartment of the remotes, but haven't found anything
>>>matching in the RTVs.....
>>It can be done with unit codes. Do a search on the Replay forum archives
>>at avsforums.com for "unit codes". A Replay will ALWAYS respond to a
>>remote with unit code 0. If you set it for unit 01, it will respond to the
>>untouched remote or to a universal remote set for unit code 1. You can use
>>JP1 to program some buttons on the original remote to switch unit codes or
>>buy a universal. The problem with the original remote is that while it is
>>readily programmable with a lot of memory, it has few buttons. Robman on
>>the avsforums has a Philips remote designed for PVRs. Try
>>remotecentral.com. He takes this unit (which has Replay and Tivo buttons)
>>and extends the led for greater range, adds memory, and sets up the
>>buttons to control 8 Tivos and 8 Replays and more. He also sells this unit
>>on eBay ($30???). I have 3 Replays in the bedroom and use 1 universal
>>remote which has nice heft and a great button layout for navigating around
>>shows and I use the modded Philips to switch between the individual
>>Replays if necessary.
yes, but to set up themes, accept show sends, send shows (if you don't
use the Poopli updater), you have to go tot he individual replays.
Danny Hobbs wrote:
> I am still learning the Replay machine, but with multiple replays, be it in
> the same room or in different rooms in the house, can't you control
> programming and watch what you want from one replay? Most of the time you
> wouldn't need to directly control the other replays.
> For example: 3 replays in the bedroom Top | Middle | Bottom
> You use the top replay for watching TV and playing back shows. When you
> record a show, don't you have the option to have it record to another
> replay? Record CSI to Middle replay, watch CSI from Middle replay. You see
> where I am going with this.
> Hopefully I can sit down and read FAQs and more of the manual soon to learn
> what I am missing.
> Just my two cents
> "Tony D." <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:j8edneG1_6rx_TnfRVn-1A@giganews.com...
>>Joe Mamma wrote:
>>>I've got two RTVs (and two remotes) in the same room. Is there some way
>>>to have one respond only to one remote, and the other respond only to the
>>>other remote. I'm hoping that's why there's a jumper header (marked JP1)
>>>in the battery compartment of the remotes, but haven't found anything
>>>matching in the RTVs.....
>>It can be done with unit codes. Do a search on the Replay forum archives
>>at avsforums.com for "unit codes". A Replay will ALWAYS respond to a
>>remote with unit code 0. If you set it for unit 01, it will respond to the
>>untouched remote or to a universal remote set for unit code 1. You can use
>>JP1 to program some buttons on the original remote to switch unit codes or
>>buy a universal. The problem with the original remote is that while it is
>>readily programmable with a lot of memory, it has few buttons. Robman on
>>the avsforums has a Philips remote designed for PVRs. Try
>>remotecentral.com. He takes this unit (which has Replay and Tivo buttons)
>>and extends the led for greater range, adds memory, and sets up the
>>buttons to control 8 Tivos and 8 Replays and more. He also sells this unit
>>on eBay ($30???). I have 3 Replays in the bedroom and use 1 universal
>>remote which has nice heft and a great button layout for navigating around
>>shows and I use the modded Philips to switch between the individual
>>Replays if necessary.
yes, but to set up themes, accept show sends, send shows (if you don't
use the Poopli updater), you have to go tot he individual replays.