My ASUS X550Z battery can't charge, it always at 0%. only turn on if adapter plugged, and if adpter unplugged, it trun off.

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Oct 15, 2016
My ASUS X550Z battery can't charge, it always at 0%. only turn on if adapter plugged, and if adapter unplugged, my laptop trun off in no time. my battery led does blink, but it only a moment, then it off, and on again after 1 minute and so.
i had this problem after I not use my laptop in day.
i have tried every solution i have found in the internet, but it isn't works for me.
maybe, there is another solution that can fix this.
btw, I have tried to press power button 60 seconds, but it also not works.

and also, my battery is NON removable.
thanks for give an attention.
Question from Gizeon : "My ASUS X550Z battery can't charge, it always at 0%. only turn on if adapter plugged, and if adpter unplugged, it trun off."

Well, actually the battery is probably removable, but not easily. And it sounds like your battery needs replacing to me.

If the device is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer so you don't void it, and they can repair or replace it for you.

If it isn't under warranty, then you can try doing the work yourself, if you feel comfortable and can get the part, or you can find a local tech to do it for you.

thank for give an answer.
yeah I've been thinking to claim my warranty. this is so sad remembering that this laptop only 7 months old. thanks again for the answer btw.
I have the same model and the same problem. It stopped charging like 4 days ago. I don't think it could be because of the battery because my laptop is also not that old like 10 months and usually there is a warning before battery goes bad ( at I used to get a warning in my other asus I had before. Sorry that I don't have a real answer but if I'll find something I'll let you know.
Did you ever fix this issue? I have the same problem, but the laptop is 2 years old so not under warranty. The battery had degraded quite a bit, so that it only worked for 45 minutes. But then a couple weeks ago the battery stopped working completely. In other words, it has no charge whatsoever. If I unplug the laptop, it turns off. The laptop works fine while plugged in. I am not sure if this is a problem with the battery or some other part of the electrical system (e.g. the part that charges the battery). It’s possible the problem will go away if I buy another battery, but if the problem is with some other part of the system, a new battery won’t fix it. When the laptop is plugged in, the charging light is generally not on. The light occasionally comes on for a few seconds. Windows says that the battery has 0% left and not charging. Any ideas? thanks in advance
hi, i have got the same problem too. this is the second time that this happen to me. first time was when the laptop is around 1 and 3 month years old. i got the battery replaced with a new one. which cost a lot!!! now after 7 months of replacing the battery, same shit happen again, i just keep plug it in. because i dont have the money to waste anymore.
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