Suddenly, wireless wifi, no good. Just like that, (Picture me snapping my fingers) it says it has no net work adapter. it works fine with an ethernet cord. what is the fix?
Are you sure that there is no switch for wireless? It may be a small slide switch on the front or side of the case or a key at the top of the keyboard with an antenna type icon.
As far as device manager you can get to it by entering Device Manager in the search function.
Is there a wireless switch on the laptop? Maybe it accidentally got turned off. Also does the wireless adapter show in the Device Manager with any errors?
Is there a wireless switch on the laptop? Maybe it accidentally got turned off. Also does the wireless adapter show in the Device Manager with any errors?
No, no switch of any sort. I have no geek in my soul, how might I find this device manager?
Are you sure that there is no switch for wireless? It may be a small slide switch on the front or side of the case or a key at the top of the keyboard with an antenna type icon.
As far as device manager you can get to it by entering Device Manager in the search function.