My hp laptop won\'t shut down


Mar 20, 2012
hi , I have a acer laptop . for some time now it has stop shutting down , so when Im trying to up date soft ware , OR install things on it . I just cant as It will not shut down , to re boot . I have left it for the hole night . over 15H !! and still when I open it back up and swich back on , it still say 'shutting down' arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , can you help ???????
no sorry , that would be cool , what I mean is even when I unplug OR removed the bat;s and go to work IE for a hole day come back plug back in put back the bat;s , it will still say ' shutting down ' . it will keep say that for days , i get boerd and need to use my laptop so , start it up agine , it s only a problem as I am unable to shut it down for software up dates And anti viral updates ,
Right, sorry, let me get this straight.

You can't shutdown your computer using windows. Instead you switch it off manually and reboot it?
OK , thanks . I not at home now I will try later . your last but one reply seems OK , but it dose not seem to work , ill try this one and let you no how I get on .