Every time I open Battlefield 3 on my laptop it starts beeping loudly about 10 times and then turns off. I'm not sure as to whether this is a issue BF3 is causing or a issue I have with my hardware but it is quite frustrating since I've tried almost everything. This is the first time this is happening and I've had my P151SM1 for almost 2.5 years now. This issue first arose when I bought a air can and cleaned the dust out of my vents. The laptop runs a lot smoother, quieter, and cooler, but now I have this problem.
Edit: Its almost impossible for me to remove my RAM because of the way its installed into the laptop. I'd have to remove the keyboard and then the metal chassis underneath.
Edit: Its almost impossible for me to remove my RAM because of the way its installed into the laptop. I'd have to remove the keyboard and then the metal chassis underneath.