My MSI MS-1681 keeps getting corrupted and turning off...


Mar 24, 2012
alright....what type of programs or what not could i use to find out what is wrong with her computer.... every single time i install windows it works fine then i plug in a usb and it dies on me then bootmgr is currupted and times when i dont plug in the use and i try connecting to wifi like turning on her wifi it turns off on me..... wtf i want to say theres something wrong with the power but... its hard to say what could we usee to find out what exactly the problem it bios is there some sort of programs that i could use before it loads up windows but then again sometimes when the computer starts before it loads windows it dies....please help also its always plugged in....
deciphering, why are you doing multiple installs of windows ?

if the laptop is just turning off, you either have over heating issues or an electrical issue.

can you give more information on the machine you are using ? how old is it ?

use this program to check the temperature
well... I had to do another install because of bootmgr being corrupted figured I would do a fresh install... being that the computer actually cuts out mid way of the install sometimes or cuts out when I start doing anything on the's more at random times than anything else...but that was my first idea was to see the core temp but I can't get on the computer long enough to use it....I have had this computer for like a year to a year and a half... i had the same problem with another laptop way back didn't find out what was wrong so i just got a new laptop... But the laptop would turn off as if it was overheating but again It does it at random times even if I first turn on the computer it turns off...

Right now if i were to turn on the led lights would turn on but nothing would show on the screen...all this is really odd...
MSI has some useful utilities, such as "Live Update" (which i recommend that you do and update the BIOS) and "System Control Manager".

Run both of these programs and follow their instructions.
Hey, have you tried to clean it of dust? like blowing the unit out with compressed air?

Note: I do NOT recommend updating your bios in the current state, as if it turns off on you in the middle of a bios update you now have a very expensive door stop.

sounds like the motherboard , you are gonna have to get this to a repair shop

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT attempt to update the BIOS if you cannot keep it powered up !!!

Another thing I would attempt is to just sit in the bios, dont do anything but just hit the bios screen and see how long it lasts, if it doesn't reboot then its either hdd, heat, Hdd controller/sata port

but if it does shut off then yeah its most likely the motherboard.

also try it with and without the battery in (plugged into the wall)
and while the battery is out, just leave it off for a while, say 10 minutes, then before plugging the ac adapter, press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds, releaser the power button, then plug in the ac adapter, still leave the battery out, and try to power up normally .