my subwoofer and rear do not work on my 5.1 home theater...


Mar 16, 2016
I connected my home cinema to my pc with a 3.5 mm male to two ARC males to the green port.Now,rear and subwoofer speakers do not work at all.On my reciever there are no more inputs.
3.5 mm male to two RCA males - Like this:

3.5 mm end in the green port on PC and the Red and White RCA connectors to the home cinema.

I think we need to know more about the home cinema.

However, this information may help:

You should be using the PC's black port (if you have one) but with a different cable.

Right click the little speaker icon on your monitor screen (probably lower right corner). You can right click the active Playback devices and then select properties to learn more about the supported speaker configurations. Plus configure the audio channels.

Still you need to...
3.5 mm male to two RCA males - Like this:

3.5 mm end in the green port on PC and the Red and White RCA connectors to the home cinema.

I think we need to know more about the home cinema.

However, this information may help:

You should be using the PC's black port (if you have one) but with a different cable.

Right click the little speaker icon on your monitor screen (probably lower right corner). You can right click the active Playback devices and then select properties to learn more about the supported speaker configurations. Plus configure the audio channels.

Still you need to have the correct physical connectivity (cables) to make everything work.

Thanks for the help. . . . .
My sound card only has the three basic inputs. Is there a way to use the rear speakers and the Sub woofer,as a 5.1 system, or could I at least turn it into a 2.1 or something, just so i could use the sub?Also, there are only the two inputs that I plugged my ARC on my reciever, and 4 outputs. There is also a HDMI port...

You need to diagram it out plus understand what options you have via your sound card drivers.

With a basic sound card you are probably limited - i.e., the software and physical connectivity just may not be there.

You have the following ports: green, pink, and blue. Correct?

Green will handle a pair of stereo speakers.

Pink is for a microphone - Not applicable....

Bule is stereo line in - Not applicable....

Unfortunately just splitting wires and running connections to different speakers will not truly result in a true surround sound atmosphere . Just a duplication of your basic L & R stereo effect.

Most likely you will need to upgrade your sound card.

However, if you post a simple diagram showing the available ports via home cinema and also on the sound card (make & model) some one may be able to add in some other comment or suggestion.

Your PC's 3.5mm jack has the wire connections for only 2 speakers. Hardware wise this is the immediate limitation.

Now many modern PC's have the ability to re-assign the microphone and the line-in jack to be used for a 5.1 speaker setup.
With that said, this is for PC 5.1 setups and not Home Theater setups as there is no separate input for subwoofer on a home theater receiver.

Thus you have one of these options:
1) Use only the green 3.5 jack on PC and set your stereo to use a dolby decoder to "create" 5.1 sound out of your 2.0 source. This is ideal for simplicity, but certainly not the best for accurate sound quality.
2) If Receiver has HDMI inputs then you can output your sound via your HDMI port on your PC
3) Get a soundcard with toslink optical audio port to go to receiver