My tv is popping while watching it.

Clarissa CJ

Aug 29, 2016
I have a LG 50" LCD TV. And after it's been on a while it starts to make a popping noise at the back left side near the bottom. Anyone have any ideas please
If you are lucky, the speaker is breaking, just mute the sound to verify.

If that's not it then more serious stuff like you got metal dirt in there and shorting things out (open and vacuum) OR Power Supply is dying. Do you know what your indoor humidity is? Is there a water source near the TV? Is there a brown spot up on the ceiling right above the TV?

Clarissa CJ

Aug 29, 2016

Hi, no water near by. I took the back off yesterday gave it a good clean and it still does it. It seems to do it when I have my PC on (linked to TV by hdmi)