Solved! Mystery video game music playing in the background on my tablet

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Oct 17, 2018
My tablet has what I guess is video game intro music playing in the background even when the tablet isn't open. And a woman's voice occasionally warning you have to be 18 to enter. I've never played video games on the tablet. And I can't find the source. Do you know what might be going on?

Quite a few anti virus makers make programs for tablets and phones. AVG is a good one to install. You can go to your applications options and it will show you what is running currently. If you have backups of your files on the thing, you can do a factory reset, that will wipe the device...

Thank you for responding. I did restart the tablet, and the video music didn't seem to be coming back at first. But then it did 🙁
How do I check for virus /malware on a tablet? thanks!

And I couldn't find a program running in the background. Is there a way to check that that may not be obvious??

Quite a few anti virus makers make programs for tablets and phones. AVG is a good one to install. You can go to your applications options and it will show you what is running currently. If you have backups of your files on the thing, you can do a factory reset, that will wipe the device and set it up like it was new.
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