[citation][nom]mleejr[/nom]You have horrible punctuation, grammar and spelling. I generally forgive most internet grammar and spelling, but I'm not the one here throwing stones. As for you being the definition of genius, you didn't even lay out the scale definitions or alternates or groups. Is it age? IQ? The basis of meaningful data is defining the type of measurement (ordinal, etc), unit, scale, etc. You included none of these. This happens all the time. I hear some politician or news person say "some sort of data is 20!" but the data is completely out of context. Is it out of 20? Is it logarithmic? etc.I assume your scale is age and your chosen group is people within that age that believe in god. The alternate to your group is those that do not believe in god...is that a correct assumption?If that is correct, then you are an idiot. An idiot, however, does not know that he is an idiot. I am agnostic but do not think that anyone who believes in God is automatically an idiot. BTW, one of the greatest theologians was my idol Sir Isaac Newton.How is anyone age 10-30 that is a Christian hurting everyone around them? I am surrounded by Christians and love them. They tend to be the nicest people. They may not agree that this is a sign of evolution, but I don't have the venomous hatred that you do.You sound like a retarded Hitler. One could easily add the line "Throw them all in ovens." to the end of your diatribe and it would not seem even the slightest bit out of context.[/citation]
I think I love you.