Need a cheap Receiver alternative


Mar 3, 2011
My new TV only has Digital (Optical) Audio output (no Aux or composite out) which is great for my Sound Bar but now I can't use my headphones anymore. Is there a cheap(ish) adapter that exists that allows Digital Audio passthrough but also gives an aux out? I really don't want to pay $300 for a receiver just to get an extra port.

I know I asked this question a long time ago and thank you for your answer. I wound up just getting a new TV that does exactly what I need.

Thanks again.
Problem is that the output is fixed (so no way to adjust volume) and that line level aux" out won't drive headphones.
The simplest way is to split the optical audio output of the TV. Connect one optical out to the soundbar. Connect the other optical out to a bluetooth transmitter. Set the TV to PCM stereo output. Use bluetooth wireless headphones.
If you have to go with wired headphones then something like this
will work. You may be able to connect the soundbar to it if it has an aux input so you avoid needing the optical splitter.
I know I asked this question a long time ago and thank you for your answer. I wound up just getting a new TV that does exactly what I need.

Thanks again.