Need a good graphic design program


May 31, 2012
My dad is looking to get a program where he can design houses. He normally draws designs for homes, or things he wants to build for people. (He's a carpenter)

But it takes him awhile for it to look really good. I don't know if Adobe photoshop or whatever would be good for what he's looking for. Basically a program that will suit his needs and make his work easier for him at the same time.

Any suggestions, thanks in advance.
Well, all these things require some training, whether using a 3D program, CAD, or drawing program. I don't know if he's good at drawing, or his current techniques for sketching up designs for people. If he's looking to draw stuff by hand, there are free paint/graphic programs (do a google search), or he could even use MS Paint, which is already part of windows. Next level is spend a $100 bucks on a wacom bamboo drawing tablet at best buy, now you can hand draw and sketch on your PC.

CAD/3D There are some programs out there that have to do with home design that might be able to serve his needs without having any extensive knowledge of 3D/CAD. If he wants to get into it without spending money on some of the premium 3D programs, you might want to look into google sketch up, which i believe is free, and then there is a paid premium google sketch up, and this allows some architectural drawing etcetera, people use this program to make buildings to add to google maps / google earth.

Just some suggestions.