Need help making the final decision between two laptops.


Aug 20, 2013
Asus($400 on amazon)


From what I understand, the Acer laptop is more powerful than the Asus laptop (at least GPU-wise). However, my concerns are that the Acer laptop: is of lower quality, does not feel sturdy/rugged and instead feels too plastic-like, overheats extremely under heavy loads. For the Asus, the concerns are that it's significantly weaker than the Acer.

Additionally, the keyboard style of the Asus seems close to that of a desktop PC (keys are close together) whereas the Acer's seems a little to widespread. So essentially, it's the trading of cosmetic satisfaction for power or vice versa.

PS: I do plan on upgrading the one I purchase to 8G of RAM.
Hi. I have an ACER laptop which is around the price range that you mentioned... And I bought my mom am ASUS 15.6" laptop around $425.00.. If you ask me I like the ACER much better. Maybe you are talking about old ACER products. Now they are really good. More bang for your buck. Well thats my opinion. The Asus.. material for the $425 laptop is too cheap.

How comfortable is the keyboard on the ACER?

My issues with this one would be the temperature problem and grainy webcam. Also, for this laptop, is it possible to add an 8gb in addition to the soldered-on 4gb for a total of 12, or would I have to settle for only an addition 4 to the pre-exiting RAM?
Yea ignore those parts of the reviews. Yes it will get warm, but its a laptop. They can handle up to 100 degrees celcius before they suffer damage. Chances are unless its really hot in your home it won't get to 70.

The webcam I would be amazed if it is grainy. It takes 720P videos. If it looks grainy I would think its the software, not the webcam.

Also, yes it would be. An extra 8GB of RAM is only $60. I have looked through hundreds of laptops and while I do not currently own this system, I am having a hard time debating if I want to get it. If I buy a laptop this year, I will buy this one, its just I am thinking about waiting till the newest AMD style processors come out in January.

Just a few last questions (will probably settle on this one because it looks amazing and it's specs are as well). Can I clock the CPU over the 2.10ghz, is the screen 1080p, is there much bloatware and how easily is it removed, and is it possible/easy to set up a dual boot with ubuntu? Oh, and would I install the drivers from the individual part's manufacturer's website or from Acer's website? Thanks for your help, was completely unaware of this option!
The CPU is 2.1GHZ at default, but it will self overclock itself up to 3.1 GHz any time you give it any task that makes it need more speed. It is better to think of this as a 3.1Ghz CPU that most of the time runs at very low speeds to save power. However, it is doubtful you will be able to manually change the clock speed or if you are able to, that it will have any real effect. Most laptops have very little to no room to overclock before becoming unstable.

The screen is not 1080p. It is instead 1366x768. So it can handle 720P high definition. High resolution laptops cost a good bit more, and the cheapest you will find a laptop with one will have significantly worse graphics hardware unless you go for a very expensive one. None of the laptops you previously listed had 1080p either.

I don't know about the bloatware, but if there is any it should be quite simple to remove.

It should be pretty simple to set up a dual boot, but you will need to cut and set up a smaller partition on the HDD for it.

Both. Acer will have some drivers for the system that you only can get from them and only want from them, then there will be a few from AMD like the Graphics drivers that you want to get from AMD.

No problem, glad I was able to list one you like more :)

With sales tax, case, mouse, and warranty, the laptop came out well over 600. Guess I'm going with the ASUS from earlier for no sales tax (amazon) and extra money for mouse.
Well I personally would leave off the warranty, but if nothing else you should get the Acer you originally linked and not the Asus. You can probably find it on AMazon too, its still better

Compared to the ASUS much better.The Asus... everytime you hit the keys it sounds like the spring will pop out.